Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Claims | Claim[] | No | Claim details associated with a client |
ClientNumber | Int32 | No | The automatically-generated corresponding Client Id number for a client in HawkSoft |
Contacts | Contact[] | No | Contact information for an individual client, including type of contacts |
Details | ClientDetails | No | Key information about what type of client is being viewed, including address details |
Invoices | Invoice[] | Yes | Open invoices associated with a client |
People | Person[] | No | Personal profile information for an individual client |
Policies | Policy[] | No | Policy details associated with a client |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Address | Address | Yes | Address information of the additional interest |
Fax | String | Yes | Fax information of the additional interest |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for an additional interest |
IsPayor | Boolean | No | |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
LoanNumber | String | Yes | Loan number the additional interest applies to |
Name | String | Yes | Name of the additional interest |
ParentId | Guid | No | The custom-generated policy Id that the additional interest is assigned |
ParentType | AdditionalInterestParentType | No | Where an additional interest is associated. Ex: "Policy" |
Phone | String | Yes | Phone information of the additional interest |
Rank | Int32 | No | Used to designate a rank for the additional interest. Helpful when more than one additional interest is associated with an item |
Type | String | Yes | Type of additional interest. Ex: "Additional Interest (AI)", "Lienholder (LH)" |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Address1 | String | Yes | Where the insured lives or where the primary business is located |
Address2 | String | Yes | |
City | String | Yes | |
CountryCode | String | Yes | 2-digit country code. Ex: "US", "CA" |
County | String | Yes | Name of county the address is located in |
State | String | Yes | |
Zip | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
BiteHistory | Boolean | Yes | |
Breed | AnimalBreedCode | No | |
Type | AnimalTypeCode | No | Used in the underwriting information for a Home policy. Ex: "Dog", "Horse" |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AssignedDriverId | Guid | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
AssignedDriverNumber | Int32 | No | Number corresponding to the personal profile on the client record. Ex: "1", "2" |
BodyType | BodyType | No | Type of body for the vehicle. Ex: "Pickup", "Sport Utility Vehicle" |
CollSymbol | String | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." The Collision Symbol field from the carrier. Typically downloaded from the carrier and used for rating and underwriting |
CommercialInfo | CommercialAutoInfo | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Additional underwriting commercial information for the vehicle. Ex: "SeatCapacity", "Radius" |
CompSymbol | String | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." The Comprehensive Symbol field from the carrier. Typically downloaded from the carrier and used for rating and underwriting |
CostNew | Decimal | Yes | |
DriverClass | String | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
FleetId | String | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasActiveAntiTheft | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasAntiLockBrakes | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasAntiLockDiscount | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasAntiTheftDiscount | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasDamage | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasDriverAirBag | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasHotCarDiscount | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." Will be true if the car is a high performance vehicle, i.e., sports car |
HasPassengerAirBag | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasPassiveAntiTheft | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasPassiveRestraint | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasPassiveRestraintDiscount | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
HasSpecialEquipment | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for a vehicle |
IsArchived | Boolean | No | Will be true if the vehicle information is entered, but is not associated with the current policy |
IsAtSchool | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
IsInStorage | Boolean | No | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
IsInspected | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
IsParkedOnStreet | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
IsRegisteredToInsured | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
IsSalvaged | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
LicensePlate | String | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
LicenseState | String | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto" |
LobId | Guid | No | The custom-generated Line of Business Id that the vehicle is assigned |
LocationId | Guid | Yes | |
Make | String | Yes | |
Model | String | Yes | |
OverridePolicyCoverages | Boolean | No | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." Will be true if the vehicle is excluded from policy level coverage changes, permitting to add, change, and remove coverage limits that will not be applied to other vehicles on the policy |
PersonalInfo | PersonalAutoInfo | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Additional underwriting personal information for the vehicle. Ex: "CommuteMiles", "Odometer" |
Symbol | String | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." The symbol from the carrier. Typically downloaded from the carrier and used for rating and underwriting |
Territory | String | Yes | Carrier defined territory |
TotalPremium | Decimal | Yes | Combined premium amount of all vehicle coverages |
Use | VehicleUse | No | Used to define what the vehicle is used for. Ex: "Pleasure", "Work" |
VIN | String | Yes | |
VehicleNumber | Int32 | No | Order that a given vehicle is listed on the policy; will appear as 1 if there is a single vehicle |
Year | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | Yes | |
Education | EducationLevel | No | |
FirstName | String | Yes | |
Gender | Gender | No | |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for a boat |
IsArchived | Boolean | No | Will be true if the boat operator information is entered, but is not associated with the current policy |
LastName | String | Yes | |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
LicenseDate | DateTime | Yes | The date the operator's current license was issued |
LicenseNumber | String | Yes | The insured's operator license number |
LicenseState | String | Yes | The state where the license was issued |
LobId | Guid | No | The custom-generated Line of Business Id that the vehicle is assigned |
MaritalStatus | MaritalStatus | No | |
MiddleName | String | Yes | |
Occupation | String | Yes | |
OperatorEducation | BoatOperatorEducation | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Additional underwriting operator education information. Ex: "USPS", "HandsOn" |
OperatorInformation | BoatOperatorInformation | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Additional underwriting operator information. Ex: "YearsExperience", "PriorBoatsOwned" |
PersonId | Guid | Yes | The custom-generated Id that a main contact assigned |
Relationship | DriverRelationship | No | Ex: "Insured", "Spouse", "Child" |
Suffix | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
CGA | Boolean | Yes | Designates if the operator is a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary |
HandsOn | Boolean | Yes | Designates if the operator has had Hands On boater education |
OtherEducation | Boolean | Yes | Designates any other boating education completed by this operator |
OtherEducationDescription | String | Yes | Used to provide additional details of the OtherEducation |
USPS | Boolean | Yes | Designates if the operator is a member of the United States Power Squadrons or has completed a USPS course |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
PriorBoatLossExplain | String | Yes | Used to provide a description of any previous boat losses |
PriorBoatLosses | Boolean | Yes | Set to indicate if the operators has previously filed boat losses |
PriorBoatsOwned | String | Yes | Name of previously owned boats |
SuspendedOrRevoked | Boolean | Yes | Set to indicate if the operator's boat license is currently suspended or revoked |
YearsExperience | Int32 | Yes | The number of years experience the insured has operating a boat |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AdditionalInfo | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Any additional information for the watercraft, such as trolly motor or dinghy information |
AgreedValue | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT" |
BoatLength | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." The length of the boat measured in feet |
BoatType | BoatType | No | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Ex: "Motor Yacht", "Pontoon", "Sail" |
Construction | BoatConstruction | No | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Ex: "Fiberglass", "Metal" |
Fuel | BoatFuel | No | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Ex: "Battery", "Gas" |
Halon | Boolean | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Indicates whether the watercraft contains a Halon fire protection system |
HorsePower | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Horsepower for each engine |
HullId | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Identification number on the Hull |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for a boat |
IsArchived | Boolean | No | Will be true if the boat information is entered, but is not associated with the current policy |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
LobId | Guid | No | The custom-generated Line of Business Id that the boat is assigned |
LocationId | Guid | Yes | |
Make | String | Yes | |
Model | String | Yes | |
Name | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Name of the watercraft |
NumberOfEngines | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Number of engines on the boat |
OverridePolicyCoverages | Boolean | No | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Will be true if the boat is excluded from policy level coverage changes, permitting to add, change, and remove coverage limits that will not be applied to other boats on the policy |
Power | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Propulsion type. Ex: "Drift (DR)", "Sail (SA)" |
Speed | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Maximum speed the boat can run |
Stored | BoatStored | No | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Ex: "Marina", "Trailer" |
StoredName | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." If the boat is stored in a marina, the marina name is entered here |
SurveyCompletedDate | DateTime | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." The date the last carrier required survey for the watercraft was completed |
Territory | String | Yes | Carrier defined territory |
TotalPremium | Decimal | Yes | Combined premium amount of all boat coverages |
Use | BoatUse | No | Available if Line of Business is "BOAT." Ex: "Commercial", "Pleasure" |
VIN | String | Yes | |
Year | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Address | Address | Yes | |
CommercialUnderwriting | CommercialBuildingUnderwriting | Yes | Additional underwriting commercial information for the building |
Description | String | Yes | Description of the building. Ex: "Storage Unit" |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for a building |
IsArchived | Boolean | No | Will be true if the building information is entered, but is not associated with the current policy |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
Number | String | Yes | Building number will default to the order in which the buildings are added to the location |
PersonalUnderwriting | PersonalBuildingUnderwriting | Yes | Additional underwriting personal information for the building |
UseLocationAddress | Boolean | No | True if the building’s address is the same as the parent location |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
BuildingId | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for the building; will match the corresponding Id in the "locationId" field of locationReferences |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for the building; will match the corresponding Id in the "parentId" field of Coverages |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Adjusters | ClaimAdjuster[] | No | Claim adjusters and adjuster details for each selected claim |
Agent | String | Yes | |
AmountPaid | Decimal | Yes | Sum of all payment amounts entered on the Payments tab for the selected claim |
ClaimNumber | String | Yes | |
ClaimStatus | ClaimStatus | No | Ex: "Open", "Closed" |
ClaimType | String | Yes | Will default from the selected policy, and can be modified. If the claim is not associated with a policy, the CMS Policy field defaults to "Policy not in CMS" |
Company | String | Yes | |
Contacts | ClaimContact[] | No | Contact information for any individuals associated with the claim, such as claimant, passengers, an appraiser, or an attorney |
Deleted | Boolean | No | |
EffectiveDate | DateTime | Yes | |
ExpirationDate | DateTime | Yes | |
Id | Guid | No | |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
LitigationStatus | LitigationStatus | No | Ex: "Active", "Closed" |
LossAmount | Decimal | Yes | |
LossDate | DateTime | Yes | |
Modified | DateTime | No | |
Notes | ClaimNote[] | No | Claim notes and descriptions for the selected claim |
Payments | ClaimPayment[] | No | All payments that have been made on the selected claim |
PolicyNumber | String | Yes | |
PolicyType | String | Yes | |
ReportedDate | DateTime | Yes | |
ReserveAmount | Decimal | Yes | |
RiskName | String | Yes | |
StatusDate | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AssignedDate | DateTime | Yes | |
String | Yes | ||
Name | String | Yes | |
Notes | String | Yes | |
Phone1 | String | Yes | |
Phone2 | String | Yes | |
Phone3 | String | Yes | |
PhoneType1 | String | Yes | |
PhoneType2 | String | Yes | |
PhoneType3 | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Address1 | String | Yes | |
Address2 | String | Yes | |
Attention | String | Yes | |
City | String | Yes | |
String | Yes | ||
LossAmount | Decimal | Yes | |
Name | String | Yes | |
Notes | String | Yes | |
Phone1 | String | Yes | |
Phone2 | String | Yes | |
Phone3 | String | Yes | |
PhoneType1 | String | Yes | |
PhoneType2 | String | Yes | |
PhoneType3 | String | Yes | |
Role | String | No | Ex: "Adjuster", "Broker", "Lienholder" |
State | String | Yes | |
ZipCode | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Agent | String | Yes | HawkSoft user initials that created the note |
NoteDate | DateTime | Yes | |
NoteType | ClaimNoteType | No | |
Notes | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Address1 | String | Yes | |
Address2 | String | Yes | |
Amount | Decimal | Yes | |
CheckNumber | String | Yes | |
City | String | Yes | |
IncludeInTotalPaid | Boolean | No | If true, the amount will be included in the "AmountPaid" field for the claim |
Notes | String | Yes | |
Payee | String | Yes | |
PaymentDate | DateTime | Yes | |
PaymentType | String | No | |
State | String | Yes | |
ZipCode | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AgencyNum | String | Yes | Used to designate the agency's Id number (if applicable) |
AllowCrossSell | Boolean | No | |
BusinessType | BusinessType | No | Available if the "Business" check box is selected. Identifies the business structure of a commercial client. Based on the business type or structure chosen, HawkSoft populates ACORD Forms appropriately |
CSR | String | Yes | Customer service representative. Typically used by agencies that want to define/track the primary point of contact for policy maintenance (not sales). Also referred to as Client CSR throughout HawkSoft |
ClientSince | DateTime | Yes | The date in which the client's first policy was sold; matches the "Sold Date" field |
ClientType | ClientType | No | Ex: "Customer" |
CompanyName | String | Yes | Available if the "Business" check box is selected. The name of the business, and is available only when the Type field is set to something other than Individual/Sole Proprietor or Partnership |
ContactInfoLastUpdated | DateTime | Yes | An alert displays above the Contact Info section to indicate whether the contact information is up to date. This alert must be set in General Settings: Contact Information Alerts. Note: this field is updated by the user manually and it differs from the "Modified" field below |
DBAName | String | Yes | A DBA is the business name an entity is "Doing Business As." If the business type is Individual/Sole Proprietor or Partnership, HawkSoft uses the individual(s) name(s) as the Named Insured and the business name as the DBA in the client file and on ACORD Forms |
DoNotMarket | Boolean | No | |
FeinNum | String | Yes | The fields for the Federal Employment Id Number (FeinNum). "LicenseNum", "NAICS", and "Website" all become available when the client file type is a business |
Id | Guid | No | |
IsCommercial | Boolean | No | |
IsLifeHealth | Boolean | No | |
IsPersonal | Boolean | No | |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
LicenseNum | String | Yes | Business license number. Available if the "Business" check box is selected. |
MailingAddress | Address | Yes | The client's preferred mailing address. May be different from the physical address |
MainContacts | Guid[] | No | Any clients that have the "Named Insured" check box selected, or that have "Main Contact" selected if it is a business type (other than Individual or Partnership) |
Modified | DateTime | No | |
NAICS | String | Yes | The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. Available if the "Business" check box is selected. |
OfficeId | Int32 | No | A client file can be assigned to a specific office if the agency has multiple locations |
PhysicalAddress | Address | Yes | Where the insured lives or where the primary business is located |
PhysicalAtSince | DateTime | Yes | |
Producer | String | Yes | The Producer/Agent who originated the business relationship, or made the initial sale to the client. Typically used by agencies that want to define/track the clients (not policies) originated by each producer. Also referred to as Client Producer throughout HawkSoft |
Source | String | Yes | Any client file can be assigned a Source indicator that is different from, or in addition to, those assigned on the policy level. The Source drop-down list options can be modified by an agency |
Status | ClientStatus | No | Client Status that indicates where the client is in the marketing life-cycle. Ex: "Active", "Prospect" |
Website | String | Yes | Available if the "Business" check box is selected |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Factor | String | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Rating factor applied to the policy |
FarthestTerminal | Int32 | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." The distance from garaging location to the farthest shipping terminal the vehicle would travel to |
Gvw | String | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Maximum gross vehicle weight for the vehicle |
Radius | Int32 | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Vehicle usage radius in miles |
SeatCapacity | Int32 | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Total number of seats in the vehicle |
Sic | String | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." The company Standard Industrial Classification code. Ex: "100 - Industrial Applications and Services - Agricultural Services", "2080 - Office of Manufacturing - Bakery Products" |
VehicleType | VehicleType | No | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Ex: "Commercial Vehicle" |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AlarmServicedBy | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
AlarmType | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
AnnualRevenues | Int64 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
Basements | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
BurglarAlarmCentralStation | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
BurglarAlarmGrade | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
BurglarAlarmWithKeys | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
BurglarLocalGong | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
CertificateExpDate | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
CertificateNum | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
CityLimits | CityLimitsType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ClockHourly | ClockHourlyType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ClockOther | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
CodeGrade | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
CodeNumber | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
Construction | ConstructionType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
DescOfOperations | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
DistanceToFireStation | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
DistanceToHydrant | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
Extent | ExtentType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
FireAlarmManufacturer | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
FireCentralStation | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
FireDistrict | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
FireLocalGong | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
FireProtection | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
FrontExposure | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
FullTimeEmployees | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
HistoricalLandmark | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsHeating | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsHeatingYr | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsOtherValue | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsOtherYr | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsPlumbing | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsPlumbingYr | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsRoofing | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsRoofingYr | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsWiring | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ImprovementsWiringYr | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
Interest | InterestType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
LeasedToOthers | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
LeftExposure | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
OccupiedAreaSqFt | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
OpenSides | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
OpenToPublicSqFt | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
OtherOccupancies | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
PartTimeEmployees | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
PercentSprink | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
PrimaryHeatInsElsewhere | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
PrimaryHeatOther | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
PrimaryHeatType | HeatType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
ProtCL | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
RearExposure | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
Remarks | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
RightExposure | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
Roof | RoofType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
SecondaryHeatInsElsewhere | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
SecondaryHeatOther | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
SecondaryHeatType | HeatType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
Stories | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
StoveFireplaceDateInstalled | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
StoveFireplaceInsert | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
StoveFireplaceManufacturer | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
TaxCode | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
TotalBuildingSqFt | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
WatchmenCount | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
WindClass | WindClassType | No | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
WindClassOther | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
YearBuilt | String | Yes | Available if building is "Commercial Building" type |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
BroadenedNoFault | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Indicates if the driver selected has Broadened No-Fault Coverage |
CDLDate | DateTime | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." The issue date for the driver's Commercial Driver's License |
DriveOtherCar | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Indicates if the driver selected has Drive Other Car coverage |
HiredDate | DateTime | Yes | Available if type is "Commercial Auto." Date this driver was hired |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AllowMassEmail | Boolean | No | Checked by default when Email is selected as the type. Uncheck for customers who prefer not to receive mass email |
Data | String | No | The contact information as entered. Ex: "", "(111)-222-3333" |
Description | String | Yes | Additional, optional, information to further describe the contact information |
Id | Guid | No | |
IsBillingContact | Boolean | No | Designates that a phone number or email address is the primary contact for billing questions |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
Modified | DateTime | No | |
PersonId | Guid | Yes | Custom-generated Id for the contact information that is associated with a corresponding contact in the "people" array |
Priority | Int32 | No | Contacts marked "primary contact" are given a priority value of 100, and everything else is 0 |
Type | ContactType | No | The type of contact information. Ex: "WorkPhone", "WorkEmail" |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
BlanketNum | Int32 | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "PROP", "BOPPR", or "AGPR." Indicates the type of schedule (blanket) for the unscheduled item(s) |
CauseOfLossCode | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "PROP", "BOPPR", or "AGPR." Ex: "Basic", "Flood" |
CoInsurancePercent | Int32 | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "PROP", "BOPPR", or "AGPR." The required coinsurance as specified by the policy or carrier |
Code | String | Yes | ACORD-standard abbreviation for the coverage description |
Deductibles | String | Yes | Deductible amount for the corresponding coverage |
Description | String | Yes | Name of the corresponding coverage |
FormsAndConditions | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "PROP", "BOPPR", or "AGPR" |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for the coverage |
InflationGuardPercent | Int32 | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "PROP", "BOPPR", or "AGPR" |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
Limits | String | Yes | Limit amount for the corresponding coverage |
NonCommissionable | Boolean | No | If true, it indicates the coverage is a Fee/Tax, and is not to be included in the total premium amount |
OptionCode1 | String | Yes | Will only be included in AUTO coverages if the Insurance Company downloads to Agency |
OptionCode2 | String | Yes | Will only be included in AUTO coverages if the Insurance Company downloads to Agency |
OptionCode3 | String | Yes | Will only be included in AUTO coverages if the Insurance Company downloads to Agency |
OptionDescription1 | String | Yes | Will only be included in AUTO coverages if the Insurance Company downloads to Agency |
OptionDescription2 | String | Yes | Will only be included in AUTO coverages if the Insurance Company downloads to Agency |
OptionDescription3 | String | Yes | Will only be included in AUTO coverages if the Insurance Company downloads to Agency |
ParentId | Guid | No | Corresponding custom-generated Id that matches the Line of Business id it is associated with |
ParentType | CoverageParentType | No | Where the specific coverage applies to. Ex: "Policy" |
Premium | String | Yes | Total premium amount for the corresponding coverage |
ValuationTypeCode | String | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "PROP", "BOPPR", or "AGPR." Determines how the item value will be calculated in the event of a loss or claim |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
CommercialInfo | CommercialDriverInfo | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "AUTOB" |
CompanyDriverNumber | Int32 | No | Driver number assigned by agency or carrier for auto policies when multiple drivers appear on the policy |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | Yes | |
Education | EducationLevel | No | |
FirstName | String | Yes | |
Gender | Gender | No | |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for the driver |
IsArchived | Boolean | No | Will be true if the driver information is entered, but is not associated with the current policy |
LastName | String | Yes | |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
LicenseDate | DateTime | Yes | The date the driver's current license was issued |
LicenseNumber | String | Yes | The insured's driver license number |
LicenseState | String | Yes | The state where the license was issued |
LobId | Guid | No | Corresponding custom-generated Id that matches the Line of Business id it is associated with |
MVRs | MotorVehicleRecords | No | Points for driving offenses accumulated by this driver |
MaritalStatus | MaritalStatus | No | |
MiddleName | String | Yes | |
Occupation | String | Yes | |
PersonId | Guid | Yes | Corresponding custom-generated Id that matches the main contact id it is associated with |
PersonalInfo | PersonalDriverInfo | Yes | Available if Line of Business is "AUTOP" |
Questions | DriverQuestionnaire | No | Additional underwriting questions for this driver. Ex: "IsMilitary", "Suspended" |
Relationship | DriverRelationship | No | Ex: "Insured", "Spouse", "Child" |
SR22 | SR22Info | Yes | Indicates if the driver is required to carry an SR-22 |
Suffix | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Impairment | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." Indicates if there is any physical/mental impairment with the driver |
IsLivingWithSpouse | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Indicates if the driver is living with a spouse |
IsMilitary | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." Indicates if the driver is in military service |
PriorCoverageDeclined | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." Indicates if any coverage has been declined, cancelled or non-renewed during last 3 years |
Suspended | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto" or "Commercial Auto." Indicates if the driver's license is suspended |
Invoice In Development
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Balance | Decimal | No | The current remaining balance |
Date | DateOnly | No | The date the invoice was issued |
DueDate | DateOnly | No | The date that payment is due |
Id | Guid | No | Unique identifier for the invoice |
InvoiceNumber | String | No | The invoice number used for display purposes |
LineItems | InvoiceLineItem[] | No | Details for each line on the invoice |
OfficeId | Int32 | No | The agency office the invoice was created in |
Total | Decimal | No | The original total of the invoice |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Amount | Decimal | No | The amount of the line item |
For | String | No | A description of the line item |
PolicyId | Guid | Yes | An optional Policy associated with the line item |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Code | String | Yes | ACORD-standard abbreviation for the Line of Business |
FormType | String | Yes | Further defines the Line of Business. Ex: "Standard", "HO-3" |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for the Line of Business |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
NonCommissionable | Decimal | Yes | Amount of premium that is excluded from the corresponding Line of Business as a non-commissionable amount |
Premium | Decimal | Yes | Total premium amount associated with the Line of Business (combined premium of coverages minus any excluded taxes and fees) |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Address | Address | Yes | Address details for the location |
Buildings | Building[] | No | Building information for any buildings associated with a location |
Description | String | Yes | A description for the location. Ex: "Lot #2" |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for the location |
IsArchived | Boolean | No | Will be true if the location information is entered, but is not associated with the current policy |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
Number | String | Yes | Location number defaults to the order in which locations are added to the policy |
Underwriting | LocationUnderwriting | No | "TaxCode" and "CityLimits" fields |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Buildings | BuildingReference[] | No | Building "Id" and "BuildingId" GUIDs |
Id | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for the LocationReference |
LobId | Guid | No | Corresponding, custom-generated Id for the line of business; will match the Id in the parent "LOB" |
LocationId | Guid | No | Custom-generated Id for the location; will match the Id in the parent "Location" |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
CityLimits | CityLimitsType | No | Indicates whether the location is within city limits, if needed. Ex: "Inside", "Outside" |
TaxCode | String | Yes | City, county, or state tax code for the location, if applicable |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Points | Int32 | Yes | Points for driving offenses accumulated by a driver. Ex: "4" |
Violations | MovingViolation[] | No | Violation information |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Code | String | No | |
Date | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
Anniversary | DateTime | Yes | Note: this field is updated by the user manually and it differs from the "Modified" field |
Comments | String | Yes | Additional comments for an individual person |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | Yes | |
DriverLicenseDate | DateTime | Yes | |
DriverLicenseNumber | String | Yes | |
DriverLicenseState | String | Yes | |
Education | EducationLevel | No | Ex: "Bachelor's Degree", "Doctor of Medicine" |
Employer | String | Yes | |
FirstName | String | Yes | |
Gender | Gender | No | |
Homeowner | HomeownerType | No | Residence type. Ex: "Own Home", "Rents Single-Family Dwelling" |
Id | Guid | No | |
Income | String | Yes | |
Interests | String | Yes | Hobbies for an individual person |
IsDeceased | Boolean | No | |
LastName | String | Yes | |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
MaritalStatus | MaritalStatus | No | Ex: "Single", "Married", "Divorced" |
MiddleName | String | Yes | |
Modified | DateTime | No | |
Occupation | String | Yes | |
PreferredName | String | Yes | |
Relationship | String | Yes | Ex: "Insured", "Spouse", "Child" |
Suffix | String | Yes | |
Title | String | Yes | Ex: "Mr.", "Mrs." |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AnnualMiles | Int32 | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Number of average miles driven each year by the insured |
CommuteMiles | Int32 | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Number of daily roundtrip miles between the insured's residence and a workplace |
IsFourXFour | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Used to designate if the vehicle's engine powers all four wheels evenly |
Odometer | Int32 | No | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Number of cumulative miles as disclosed on the insured's vehicle |
OdometerDate | DateTime | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Date in which the "Odometer" field was obtained |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AnimalExposures | AnimalExposure[] | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
BasementArea | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
BurglarAlarm | BurglarAlarmType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
DeadBolts | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
DistanceToCoast | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
DwellingLocation | DwellingLocationType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
DwellingType | DwellingTypeCode | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
DwellingUseCode | DwellingUseCode | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
EarthquakeIncludeMasonryVeneer | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
EarthquakeZone | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
FeetFromHydrant | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
FireAlarm | FireAlarmType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
FireDistrictName | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
FireDistrictNumber | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
FireExtinguisher | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
GarageArea | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
HeatingCode | ImprovementCode | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
HeatingYear | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
HomeHeatSourceCode | HomeHeatSourceType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
InPark | Boolean | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
MilesFromRFD | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
MobileMake | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
MobileModel | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
NumberOfChimneys | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
NumberOfFamilies | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
NumberOfHearths | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
NumberOfPreFabs | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
NumberOfRooms | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
NumberOfUnits | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
NumberOfWoodStoveInserts | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
OccupancyTypeCode | OccupancyType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
ParkName | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
PlumbingCode | ImprovementCode | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
PlumbingYear | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
PremiumGroup | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
ProtectionClass | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
PurchaseDate | DateTime | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
PurchasePrice | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
ResidenceTypeCode | DwellingResidenceType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
RoofCode | ImprovementCode | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
RoofTypeCode | RoofType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
RoofYear | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
Sprinklers | SprinklerType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
SquareFootage | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
Stories | DwellingNumStoriesType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
SwimmingPoolType | SwimmingPoolExposureType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
Territory | String | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
TrampolineType | TrampolineType | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
WiringCode | ImprovementCode | No | Available if building is "Home" type |
WiringYear | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
YearBuilt | Int32 | Yes | Available if building is "Home" type |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
DefensiveDriverCourse | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Designates if the driver has completed a defensive driver course |
DefensiveDriverCourseDate | DateTime | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Date the driver completed the defensive driver course |
DriverTraining | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Designates if the driver has completed a driver training course |
DriverTrainingDate | DateTime | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Date the driver completed the driver training course |
GoodDriver | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Designates if the driver meets the carrier's good driver requirements |
GoodStudent | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Designates if the driver meets the carrier's good student requirements |
MajorCreditCard | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Designates if the driver has a valid major credit card (used as a rating factor by some carriers) |
Status | OperatorStatus | No | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Ex: "Principal", "Occasional" |
StudentOver100Miles | Boolean | Yes | Available if type is "Personal Auto." Designates if the student driver has driven at least 100 miles |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
AccountNumber | String | Yes | An agency created account number or other Id |
AdditionalInterests | AdditionalInterest[] | No | |
Agent1 | String | Yes | Policy level agent fields; typically used for tracking the writing and commission amounts |
Agent2 | String | Yes | Policy level agent fields; typically used for tracking the writing and commission amounts |
Agent3 | String | Yes | Policy level agent fields; typically used for tracking the writing and commission amounts |
AgentCode | String | Yes | The agent code assigned to the agency by the carrier |
ApplicationType | ApplicationType | No | Ex: "Personal", "Commercial", "Agriculture" |
Autos | AutoVehicle[] | No | |
BillingPlan | String | Yes | |
BillingType | BillingType | No | Reflects how the policy is being billed. Ex: "Direct", "Agency Bill", "Premium Finance" |
BoatOperators | BoatOperator[] | No | |
Boats | BoatVehicle[] | No | |
Carrier | String | No | Insuring carrier or the General Agency for the policy |
Coverages | Coverage[] | No | |
Drivers | Driver[] | No | |
EffectiveDate | DateTime | Yes | The date the policy goes into effect and coincides with the current term of the policy |
ExpirationDate | DateTime | Yes | The date the policy will expire. It is dependent on the "effective date" and the number in the "Term" field |
Id | Guid | No | |
InceptionDate | DateTime | Yes | The date the policy is initially written. This field is available once the "Status" of the policy is set to "New." The date should not change. Ex: If the policy was originally written on 1/1/2010, but has a current term of 1/1/2023 - 1/1/2024, the inception date is still 1/1/2010, while the effective and expiration dates will reflect the later dates |
LOBs | LOB[] | No | |
LegacyId | Int32 | Yes | |
LocationReferences | LocationReference[] | No | |
Locations | Location[] | No | |
Modified | DateTime | No | |
NAIC | String | Yes | Number that is assigned by the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's (NAIC) to each individual underwriting company |
Note | String | Yes | Any notes entered by the agency on the client file |
NumberOfTerms | Int32 | No | |
OfficeId | Int16 | No | The agency office that wrote or is assigned to the policy |
PaymentPlan | PaymentPlan | No | Ex: "Monthly", "Annual", "BiMonthly" |
PolicyIndex | Int32 | No | Position on the client file where the policy appears. By default, the first policy entered on a client will have a "PolicyIndex" of 0. Any newly inserted polices will then increase in numerical value |
PolicyNumber | String | Yes | |
PolicyState | String | No | The state the policy is written in. It will default from the insured's address entered on the Name and Address screen |
Premium | Decimal | Yes | |
PremiumMode | PremiumMode | No | When set to "Annualize", the policy's premium is the equivalent premium over a 12-month period. Ex: if the policy has a $100 premium and 6-month term, the policy's annualized premium is $200. HawkSoft uses the policy's Premium + Fees and Term to calculate the annual premium. |
Program | String | No | The Policy Program or Underwriting Tier |
QuotedPremium | Decimal | Yes | Quoted premium for the policy, separate from the premium issued by the company |
RaterCode | Int32 | No | |
SoldDate | DateTime | Yes | This field defaults to the day the policy "Status" was set to "New." The date should be updated to the date the policy is considered sold, such as when a signed application or payment has been received. The date should always reflect the date the policy was originally sold and should not be changed with future "Status" changes |
Source | String | Yes | Indicates the source of the policy. The source drop-down list options can be modified by an agency |
Status | PolicyStatus | No | Current status of the policy |
StatusDate | DateTime | No | Indicates the effective date of the "Status." Ex: If the policy was renewed on 1/1/2023, the status date is also 1/1/2023 |
SubStatus | String | Yes | Current sub-status of the policy |
Term | PolicyTerm | No | |
Title | String | No | The policy title associated with the policy. Ex: "AUTOP", "PKGE", "CPKGE" |
Type | PolicyType | No | Ex: "Auto", "Home", "General" |
WritingCarrier | String | Yes | The writing carrier for the policy; this information is typically provided with a policy that receives downloads |
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
HasSR22 | Boolean | No | If true, the driver is required to carry an SR-22 |
ProofUntilDate | DateTime | Yes | The date proof of insurance is required until, for the SR-22 |
Reason | String | Yes | Description of the violation |
State | String | Yes | State that the SR-22 was issued in |